It has been quite a busy month! Harli and I went to Clear Lake a couple days early to have some girl time up there before Kory came up to celebrate the Fourth. We went a four hour walk one day, a bike ride (well, Kory and I) another day, and just hung out with Gene and Bobbi. It was nice to get away and enjoy the nice weather. Harli didn't get to see fireworks this year. She did however feel that 1030p was an appropriate bedtime while at Oma and Papa's.
Harli and I were in the Summerfest parade in Ankeny with the campaign. Harli napped through part of the parade but made sure she was awake for part of it...can't miss out on anything! Govenor Branstad wasn't at the Summerfest parade because he was in the Lake Mills parade. Harli did get to hang out with Kim Reynold's, though. Kim is quite the fan of Harli!! Harli has been helping me make phone calls for the campaign. Harli gets to walk around the office by a couple different people when we volunteer. She loves the attention and the staff loves her!
Harli turned nine months old yesterday. Her nine month visit came with no shots...yea!!! She is 20lbs 3.5oz and 27" long. She is also in the 70th percentile...up significantly from the 10th percentile at birth. She is a long baby. Clearly she didn't get that from me! She is such a happy baby! She has two bottom teeth and we think she is working on a top tooth. She walks if we hold onto her hands. She crawls at worp speed and everything goes in her mouth. She has started free standing. One day soon she will start walking on her own...scary!!!
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