Friday, August 28, 2009

Very well behaved baby

We had our ultrasound on Wednesday. Baby Madson is right on track for fetal growth, which was a HUGE relief! She is still breech and her legs are up by her face. She currently weighs 3lbs 3oz. Baby Madson was very well behaved this time. She didn't flip us off or stick her tongue out at us. I think she was on her best behavior after last week's festivities. The ultrasound tech tried to get a 3D image of her face, but Baby Madson kept moving her face. The tech said we can try again at our next appointment. All in all, it was a great appointment. Kory and I left the dr feeling much better about things. We had our follow up appt on Thursday and Dr Shaw said that things were looking very good and she was happy that we have made it this far. She said that after the next ultrasound we will see what Baby Madson's position is and go from there.

I am currently 32 weeks, which only leaves 8 weeks left until we get to meet Baby Madson (if she is on time that is). I am on vacation for the next week and a half. I took the week off for our anniversary last November. We thought we were going to go somewhere tropical for our anniversary. Since that clearly isn't going to happen this year, we are just hanging out at home. Kory is still going to work, which will give me plenty of time to get things finished and spend lots of quality time with the puppies.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Practice run in Labor & Delivery

Baby Madson thought she should be born on August 20th. At 630a, I started having cramping. Each minute it got worse. I figured I'd go into work and hope it got better. Around 815a I was in enough pain that I thought it validated a call to the dr. They had me come in right away. I called Kory on my way and told him he needed to meet me at the dr's office because something was happening. We get to the dr and the cramping is getting worse and I was now feeling contractions. These were not the fun Braxton Hicks contractions that are not painful. They were full on contractions with lots of pain. My feet and hands were also EXTREMELY swollen. My feet were pouring out of my shoes. The dr did an exam and found that nothing was progressing (which was very good) but they had to figure out why I was still have contractions. They ran some tests and hooked me up to a monitor. I had a severe bladder infection, which was causing some of the contractions. The monitor showed that Baby Madson's movement was causing contractions also. The dr came in and said we were headed to Labor & Delivery. Kory asked what the worse case senerio was and the dr said "Your daughter is born today". So we head to Labor & Delivery and get hooked up to more monitors. The contractions were getting worse. After monitoring them for an hour, they finally decided the safest option would be to try and stop the contractions. So they gave me an injection and said the contractions would stop soon. We were sent home and told to stick to bedrest until all my test results were back. Friday, my dr called to tell me the main test they need to come back was negative. This meant I would not deliver in the next two weeks. She said to limit my activities the remainder of the pregnancy and to make sure and test it easy. I can go back to work on Monday. Kory and I had a little chat with Baby Madson and let her know that she grounded to the inside world for at least 6 weeks. Ever since our fun filled adventure on Thursday, Baby Madson has had a full on dance party. She has not taken too much of a break from said dance party. As our friend Katie said, "She is done in there!" We are just hoping that she stays put for at least six more weeks. We would like to her to stay put until she is 40 weeks, but we highly doubt that will happen!!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Nursery and some football

Well the nursery has officially been started! All Baby Madson's furniture is in the center of the room so we can start painting this weekend. We are sticking with a gender neutral theme. The walls will be a light tan and then we will use other colors to accent the room and bring some color to it. I am very excited to have a nursery and be able to finish this project. I will update with photos when it's finished.

Not only do we have all the furniture for the nursery, but we now have the stroller/car seat combo. It was quite interesting to put together. Detailed instructions would have been better than what we were supplied compliments of the stroller/car seat company. There are far too many red buttons that we had no idea what we were doing or not doing. We did get it put together and it looks wonderful!! Buddy thought he would remind us how excited he is to no longer the baby of the family by chewing on one of the wheels. Luckily you can barely tell and we are working to get the tire replaced. We had to have a little discussion with Buddy that those actions will not be accepted and that's not how we treat our sister's toys. He just looked at us like we were crazy and walked out of the room. I'm not sure where all of our children (real and canine) get their attitudes from! When I showed him some of Baby Madson's clothing, he thought biting them was the appropriate move. Granted he sniffed first, like he was instructed, but biting was not something he was told to do. I am hoping that once he meets Baby Madson he will be love her and be protecting and not use her as a chew toy. We shall see.

I had to have a chat with Baby Madson the other day (Friday to be exact) about how sometimes our team doesn't win and we have to accept that. It was more of a pep talk for myself because I do not appreciate when the Colts loose. Thankfully the game was not televised here because Baby Madson would have heard some very colorful words that I don't think she is ready to hear yet. Now I just have to remember to use my "Big Girl words" instead of naughty words when watching football. We would prefer her first word was not a four letter word!! Today may have been the best day of Kory's life so far because Brett Favre decided he was not acutally retiring and instead he wanted to sport a Vikings jersey. While I am not a fan of Brett Favre, I will support the Vikings only because Kory likes them and I have to show Baby Madson that it's ok to like more than one team. If she happens to cry very loudly when Mr. ICan'tMakeUpMyMind takes the field, I won't ask her to be quiet. I will more than likely encourage it!!

Monday, August 10, 2009

7 months...only 78 days left!!

We finally made it to month 7!! According to Baby's now the size of a squash!Baby's energy is surging, thanks to white fat depositing beneath his skin. And since he's growing so fast (weight will triple by birth), things are getting kind of cramped in the womb. What all this means for you: Get ready for some more kicks and jabs to the ribs.

We are trying to get as much remodeling down on the downstairs this week so we can finally start the nursery. We should have the new carpet down tomorrow and the tile down on the bathroom floor by Wednesday. This weekend the trim on the two downstairs floors should be put up and finished. I am getting anxious to get started on Baby Madson's nursery. I washed all her clothes that we have bought and received so far. I am in absolute shock as to how little these clothes are! Now its just a matter of putting all the clothes away and waiting for 2 more months.

Kory's parents bought us the stroller and it should be here this week. We are looking forward to putting it together and seeing the finished product. Things are all coming together and we're very excited to meet baby Madson.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

We get to spy again!

We found out that Baby Madson is doing great and is growing at a normal rate. Dr Shaw called to let us know that even though everything with Baby Madson looked well, we needed to check on her fetal growth in 4 weeks. August 26th we get to spy on her again! We are very happy to hear that she her fetal growth is good. We pray that it stays that way. We will have more updates at the end of August.

Our August and September project is to start and finish Baby Madson's nursery. We are going to do a gender neutral theme and use accents to make it more feminine. I can't wait to get started!!