Well the nursery has officially been started! All Baby Madson's furniture is in the center of the room so we can start painting this weekend. We are sticking with a gender neutral theme. The walls will be a light tan and then we will use other colors to accent the room and bring some color to it. I am very excited to have a nursery and be able to finish this project. I will update with photos when it's finished.
Not only do we have all the furniture for the nursery, but we now have the stroller/car seat combo. It was quite interesting to put together. Detailed instructions would have been better than what we were supplied compliments of the stroller/car seat company. There are far too many red buttons that we had no idea what we were doing or not doing. We did get it put together and it looks wonderful!! Buddy thought he would remind us how excited he is to no longer the baby of the family by chewing on one of the wheels. Luckily you can barely tell and we are working to get the tire replaced. We had to have a little discussion with Buddy that those actions will not be accepted and that's not how we treat our sister's toys. He just looked at us like we were crazy and walked out of the room. I'm not sure where all of our children (real and canine) get their attitudes from! When I showed him some of Baby Madson's clothing, he thought biting them was the appropriate move. Granted he sniffed first, like he was instructed, but biting was not something he was told to do. I am hoping that once he meets Baby Madson he will be love her and be protecting and not use her as a chew toy. We shall see.
I had to have a chat with Baby Madson the other day (Friday to be exact) about how sometimes our team doesn't win and we have to accept that. It was more of a pep talk for myself because I do not appreciate when the Colts loose. Thankfully the game was not televised here because Baby Madson would have heard some very colorful words that I don't think she is ready to hear yet. Now I just have to remember to use my "Big Girl words" instead of naughty words when watching football. We would prefer her first word was not a four letter word!! Today may have been the best day of Kory's life so far because Brett Favre decided he was not acutally retiring and instead he wanted to sport a Vikings jersey. While I am not a fan of Brett Favre, I will support the Vikings only because Kory likes them and I have to show Baby Madson that it's ok to like more than one team. If she happens to cry very loudly when Mr. ICan'tMakeUpMyMind takes the field, I won't ask her to be quiet. I will more than likely encourage it!!
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