Tuesday, June 2, 2009


Welcome to our baby's blog. We will keep you updated on the happenings of this little guy or girl. Kelli is currently 19.5 weeks along or almost 5 months. It's so exciting to be half way through! Time is definitely going by fast. Kory has made the decision to not find out the sex of Baby Madson. We have our ultrasound on June 19th and we'll see what Kory tells the ultrasound tech when they ask.

This week baby is the size of a mango. According to thebump.com update for this week: Vernix caseosa, a greasy white substance made of lanugo, oil and dead skin cells (yum) now coats baby's skin, shielding it from the amniotic fluid. (Picture yourself after a nine-month bath, and the need for protection makes sense.) You might actually get to see the vernix at birth, especially if baby is premature. Baby is causing Kelli to not enjoy many of her favorite foods pre-pregnancy such as broccoli, green beans, NY strip, and Cherry Pop-Tarts. Baby is enjoying oranges, chocolate (this is a new one for Kelli), soft pretzels, and applesauce. The weird/random cravings are starting already!!

We are still working on putting baby bump pictures up. By working on it, we mean Kory has to convince Kelli to take them. Todd is patiently await these photos to add to his website for the Kelli Belli Watch. (here's our plug to check out http://www.shortarmguy.com/)

Stay tuned for all the fascinating baby updates!! We know you can hardly wait! :-)


  1. You have to take pictures!! (Although I'll admit that I stopped posting them when the major stretch marks appeared!!) We laugh looking at them now - the 16 week picture when I thought I was so big!!

  2. Now that it actually looks like a bump, I will make sure to add photos.

  3. Cute pic of you and Kory, Kelli! And I agree -- start posting some baby bumps!
